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Great Reads for Good Food

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SNAP Reform Could Save Taxpayers While Protecting Vulnerable

Hitting the jackpot in the lottery can be life changing. The influx of millions of dollars provides opportunities that most people can only dream of. However, some big winners continue collecting food stamps,...

How SNAP Fights Hunger

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, is designed to make sure that people who have limited income are able to get the nutrition that they need. Low-income families, disabled people and the elderly are some of the people who receive SN...

Card Skimmers Target EBT Benefits (Food Stamps)

For Americans who are on food stamps, there's a good-news,bad-news situation that you should know about. The good news first: October SNAP benefits are going to increase again, and so you can expect another $100 or so ...

The Modern Age for Food Stamps

Before you head to the grocery store, if your first step isn't writing down your list or even gathering up your coupons, you might be a part of a group of people that calls the digits on the backs of their EBT cards to see how much money the...

The Effects of Food Assistance Programs on People and Economy

The United States faces several economic challenges like any other country. Some of the most pressing issues include cases of poverty and natural calamities, which have a significant impact on both individuals ...

A Little History about the Food Stamp Program

The Food Stamp Program is a program that provides assistance to low-income families. The program was established by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 as part of his "War on Poverty." The USDA estimates that more tha...

Top 10 Places to Get Free Food

Getting a good meal without emptying your pockets is sometimes necessary. Whether you're trying to make your budget stretch to payday, or just in need of a splurge to brighten a rough week, everyone can appreciate free food. If you or a frie...

How Can SNAP Food Benefits Help You

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is also known as food stamps. This is a program that works with state and local agencies to help prevent domestic hunger. There are millions of people who meet the income eligibility req...

Get Free Food From Kroger

Food is one of the biggest items in any working weekly budget. Many people will spend upwards of several hundred dollars each week just feeding themselves and their families. Because food costs can be so high, people look for ways to decrease the amo...